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About Me

My Approach to Coaching

A “Deep Coaching” Practitioner, Art of Presence Work practices and the Enneagram system anchor my coaching.  Principal to my method is body-centered inquiry informed with the Enneagram’s three centers of conscious intelligence – the belly/instinctual center, the heart/feeling center and the head/thinking Center. 

My approach is warm and relational. My aim is to meet you where you are with your concerns and aspirations; to assure a sense of safety; to support you to allow all of your immediate experience; and to guide you to turn inward with curiosity and compassion.  Inquiry into our direct, sensate experience can lead us to discover the innate, intelligent guidance needed for our unfolding development. 


Commitment to this work is inspired by my own journey, as well as real transformations I have witnessed in my clients.  Deep personal development has capacitated me to shift from life experience often limited by fear and constriction to now be in recurrent contact with a sense of vital strength, heartfelt courage and expansive, abundant life.


Background and Training

Over thirty years professional experience in teaching, training, conflict resolution and employee coaching support my work. My background is seasoned by diverse life experience and includes an MA in Multicultural Education. 


My coaching certification is through The Deep Coaching Institute (DCI), accredited by the International Coaching Federation (ICF) and the International Enneagram Association (IEA). 


An ongoing student of Diamond Approach Work, A.H. Almaas (Hameed Ali) and Karen Johnson are the teachers for my group of 10 years plus. 


Certified as an Enneagram teacher by Enneagram Studies in the Narrative Tradition (ESNT) - Helen Palmer and David Daniels, my Enneagram studies include the Deep Coaching Institute and Deep Living Institute under Roxanne Howe-Murphy; Riso-Hudson Enneagram Institute coursework; and study with Sandra Maitri.

We're not on our journey to save the world but to save ourselves. But in doing that you save the world. The influence of a vital person vitalizes.




  • Personal Development

  • Life Coaching

  • Spirituality

  • Relationships/Communication

  • Conflict Resolution

  • LGBT Sensitive


   Coaching sessions are available in
   person, by phone, or by Skype.

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