Personal Development Coaching
My experience in working with Samuel Schindler as a spiritual and emotional coach has been impactful and life-changing. In a few sessions over the span of a couple of months we were able to accomplish what years of talk therapy could not get done. Samuel is very patient and compassionate in his approach, and through his guidance I have been able to metabolize emotions that were stuck in my body for many years. Anytime I have major life decisions to make, I definitely seek his guidance and help with tapping into my inner gut feelings. It has been a very positive experience for me working with him.
– Marco A, San Francisco, CA
Working with Samuel has been amazing. I have a very busy life, and even a few sessions made a huge difference. I was able to take a few small steps and the rest was a major change in my life.
– I.C. Toronto, Canada
Samuel, I want to thank you for your time and insight, I now know I'm really not damaged goods, I just have a lot of baggage. I like the work we've done and appreciate your coaching. I felt safe to be working with you and I have truly gained more insight about who I am and different ways of dealing with difficult situations.
– Darren, San Francisco, CA
Initially, I chose to work with Samuel Schindler as a coach because of his basis in inner work, Diamond Approach, and Enneagram of Personality. I quickly found that his presence, attention, and application of principles is deep and productive. Often it was as though he wasn’t even there, supporting me to connect to Being and guidance within myself. I recommend Samuel’s coaching to anyone looking to connect to his own being, and allow the guidance of Being to actualize in life.
– J.S. Publisher, New York